"ASA International Ltd."
ERP software for chemical, furniture, and other industries as well as for wineries in Italy and other European countries.
"Damen Office Furniture"
office furniture manufacturer; distributes a software package designed to help individuals work more comfortably and efficiently.
"Gerber Technology Information Systems Division"
product data management for the sewn goods industries including apparel, footwear, automotive, furniture, and aerospace.
"Interiors Interactive, Inc."
Interiors Interactive (II) builds browser-based visualization software for interactive furniture merchandising so you can better sell to your end customer. Using real photography, your customers can design their own virtual home and move your furniture, in 3D, into their room for fitting, matching, experimenting and choosing, all before stepping foot into your store.
innovative IT company, which develops software solutions primarily for the apparel and furniture industries.
"Three H Furniture Systems"
manufactures flexible component systems for personal workstations, board rooms, and commercial and institutional purposes. Design software available.